The Birth De-Brief

A podcast about the unspoken parts of pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

A safe place where families can share their burdens, their trauma and their grief.

Thank you so much for your interest in contributing to the podcast.

In truth, I have been sitting on this idea for a long time. I listen to many birth podcasts (way more than I care to admit!) and I have come to notice that I have an itch they just aren’t able to scratch. Listening to these stories of birth, the beautiful births told by women wearing masks of strength and soldiering on, powering through, something is missing....

Of course, we need a place where beautiful, healing and calm birth stories can be told and heard by many…but what about the other births, what about the other stories? The stories of fearful pregnancies? Of hard postpartum periods, of traumatic birth experiences? Where can these stories be told?

Well now, they can be told here.

I don’t want this podcast to be limiting in any way. If you’ve never given birth but you work in the maternal healthcare industry and have a story to tell, I want to hear it.

If you haven’t yet started a family, for whatever reason is affecting you right now, please, I’m all ears…

I can’t wait to chat to you, cry with you and share your story with the world, because it deserves to be told and honoured.

I KNOW there are women and families out there who need to hear it. Who need to know they’re not alone.